This is the abstract of A Climate Counternarrative, which lays bare the carbon accounting chicanery at the heart of the climate narrative, and suggests ways to dismantle the control apparatus it is intended to salvage. A shorter version that sticks with the key takeaways is available on this site. A non-editorialized version is available on EarthArXiv.
Table of Contents
Abstract (below)
The rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide is chiefly tied to land stewardship.
Farmers and loggers have removed the plants that, until the industrial era, kept the soil fungi alive, kept soil emissions nearby by breaking the wind, and soaked those up. The result is plumes of carbon dioxide.
Putting plants back in would curb these emissions. Farmers and loggers could address biodiversity loss in the process.
Auditing the deceitful carbon accounting shows that these emissions are the only ones that matter. A chicanery hides them from view while fueling dubious activities.
The contribution of fossil fuels to atmospheric carbon dioxide is small. It likely comes from emissions sources with no nearby plants, like industrial smokestacks. Bio-sequestration could curb that wasted carbon dioxide.
This topsoil loss is fueling desertification. Better land stewardship would reverse the latter. Desertification, natural variability, and other man-made decisions can easily be confused as climate change.
The climate solutions on offer are fueling green imperialism in developing countries. The calls for climate justice are set to be met with sustainable injustice. Communities could end oppression locally. Legal jiu-jitsu can thwart misguided environmental actions until then.
Put together, the carbon accounting framework is like Orwellian newspeak. Nature conservation is more of the same. Debunking or dismissing them will not move their demoralized believers. Empower them instead to give them hope.
The ecofascists who fund the green movement are scheming to reorganize society as a new age dystopia. Modern education and The Science are a conditioning program and scripture to that end. They are cult organizing storytellers who have been iterating on controlling society for millennia.
This spiritual war can be the last. Take out the minions to make the head powerless. And know to let go when your heart tells you to.
A Climate Counternarrative | Next: Canopy Loss
About the Author
Denis de Bernardy is the author of A Natural Language. His work exposes environmental big lies and puts solutions in front of the actual problems.
Disclosures: This work was funded out of pocket.
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Acknowledgements: Andrea Widburg edited the earlier version of this work that appeared on American Thinker.
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